Thursday, September 3, 2020


STEP ONE: Don't be a criminal, don't associate with criminals, don't commit crimes or behave in a manner that draws attention from law enforcement.

STEP TWO: When interacting with a police officer, whether you committed a crime or not, DO WHAT THE OFFICER SAYS. Follow instructions, remain calm and polite, do not behave in a manner that indicates you may be a potential threat to the officer's safety. (Even if you are completely innocent and/or you believe that this interaction is based on false or incorrect information or even harassment, this is not the time or place to fight that, you will lose)

STEP THREE: When the situation has escalated to the point where the police officer has his hand on his gun, or has drawn it, your decisions have become life-or-death. The ONLY choice that provides for life beyond this moment, or at least a life without bullet holes in you, is complete and total compliance. This one seems simple, as whether it's a police officer, a concealed carry citizen, or some dude off the street trying to rob you, the fact remains that when a man with a gun is giving you orders or making demands, any sane, rational person would understand that choosing otherwise carries potentially fatal consequences...

That's it folks, three simple steps to "surviving" an encounter with law enforcement. I honestly can't believe that I even had to post this list. This is basic life skills 101, nobody even had to teach me this stuff. If you've seen even one cop movie, or watched even one episode of Cops or Live PD, or even seen somebody arrested, you should be able to understand that the man with the badge (and the full authority of local, state and federal law behind him) and the gun is probably in charge. If you can't, or wont, respect the badge, boil it down to basic human instincts for survival and respect the fact that this feller is loaded with things that will hurt and/or kill you.

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