Friday, September 4, 2020


ANTIFA is a domestic terrorist group with the stated ideology of total anarchy and the destruction of the the United States of America and everything we stand for.  They advocate violence with an enthusiasm and volume that makes any rational person say, "Wait, what?".  Strangely, the leftists in our government and their media lackeys ignore or downplay their hate-filled rhetoric while still running a full-court press on the make-believe threat of white supremacist terrorism and racist cops.

Well, when you advocate violence and actively participate in multiple violent attacks, eventually conducting an intentional assassination of another human being for the simple crime of having a different opinion than yours, you have chosen your path.  And the Good Guys always win, dummy.  I won't say his name, he does not deserve a place on this blog, but the Feds made sure he died of lead poisoning and he received his just reward.  While I will pray for his soul, I think it's safe to say this monster was not a follower of Christ, and is likely completing his new resident orientation class in Hell as I type this...

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